Thursday, September 30, 2010

Twitter's Horoscope reading...

Always remember that usually, praising a #Virgo gets you more of whatever you are praising
 You have to come out and tell a #Virgo how you feel about them, especially if you are just getting started with a Virgo.
As a #Virgo make sure that your partner understands your perfectionist ideals at once, or you will find a rocky road.
Respect #Virgo privacy ~ They wont pry into your affairs~ Don't pry into theirs #LoveScopes ♥

#Virgo will show you many options you can tap into, making your life easier & more productive.
 A #Virgo astrology sign person, above all will treat their body like a temple and so should you.
 Don't worry about the worrisome #Virgo. It’s Virgo’s way of contending with whatever could go wrong.
How to upset a #Virgo : don't let them do things "their way"

A feeling of too fast too soon will tend to turn a #Virgo off

#Virgo cant help but expect others to live up to their standards~ it’s a natural trait to be a perfectionist .
For a #Virgo work is serious, no flirting or personal business there.

photo from google.

Its so me la ! :/
Personally I like those bold,underlined & enlarged one most. Agree to the max. 
So yes, make sure you do all of the above, i expect a lot.


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