Monday, November 1, 2010

They always say " Looks doesnt matter, personality is what that matters.. "

Basically, many people say that, probably everyone did say that. 
Who are the ones that really mean it ? Bet, not most of them.. 
We always judge people( a better word, criticize. )
Just anyone random we saw & we will just randomly start talking bad about their dressing, attitude, or whatever. 

Majority of the people make friends using this table .. 
1.) Usage.- the uses of the person in their life. 
2.) Body Size- If you're of the small size,  you will have no problem making friends.
3.) Looks.- If you're pretty/ dresses well/ with good make up, people will tend to feel more "proud" to have such friends .. 
4.) Personality. -  People will only starts to judge you by your personality after a few months.

If you're of use, people will fight to make friends with you. 

So if you bring no use to the person & have a size like me(BIG SIZE), people definitely wont want to make friend with you at the first sight, if only they need to.. They wont even bother looking your looks/ at you. Normally question asked " a fat & pretty girl or a average & ugly girl ? " People says " average & ugly will be a better choice. " true much..

If you are to no use, people will follow down the table - body size, if you have a good body size, people look at your looks, if you have no good looks people will try to avoid any chances of making friends. 

Like I say people wont/cant look at your personality at the first day ~ ~ ~ 

People says I got no confidence of my own size/looks/life/whatever, true, but how to be confidence since most around me pushed my confidence low for me... 
If only you're of good usage ..


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