Wednesday, March 20, 2013


It's a bad thing when people take each other for granted. Saying this sentence here is Alittle too harsh to some people but yeah.

I mean, we're all getting so used about some things and we often,eventually, will take most of it for granted.

Or maybe not for granted. Becos you will  never thought that you might lose it. Since, it will always be there, no threat of losing it, we tend to take it as a habit.

Yes, you might think that 'oh, we known for so long, they should know me well. I don't mean it that way. They should know I  care '

Yeah, you're right,  they know you well. they know you care but have you consider how much you ever care or respect the mutual relationship. Just Becos you know they know that you cared doesn't give you enough reason to take them for granted .

However, some times things got worse as They tolerate it. It's good to love people who are important  but by loving them too much will spoil them, so they would take things for granted.

Everyone have different characteristics and have your way of showing love and care. I'm not correcting or saying what way is better. But I think, as long as they feel it.

I'm a weird person.
I have a very hidden character.
I'm very protective to myself.
But I am never afraid to show my love and care to people around me.

I often say mushy stuffs and all.
But I mean it, outsider always thought I'm just saying for the sake of saying.

While typing this, I wasn't mad.
Or sad.
But really a little disappointed.

When a women says she's disappointed, you would rather her be mad at you or sad.


P/S: I'm fine now. I think so. Lol. Saying this to remind everyone.  Just in case it's a little too late for anything. I mean, unhappy feelings will pile up in the heart.

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