Saturday, November 6, 2010

Being Young, Being Yourself.

From Abby's Tumblr.

I remember myself in kindergarten having tuition every tuesday & friday ...
Mum & Dad paying so much for me to get scolded & feel lonely at that age. 
I remember I will feel sad almost every tuition because I got to learn all my spelling .. 
Do all my maths assignment.. What I hate most is that both subject, I got the same tutor . 
I need to see her for freaking 2hours -.- 
She's so damn fierce & scary, just like those witches that spell curse on little girls .. 
What I hate to hear during the tuition is MANDY . 
Either I will be called to read-aloud or called up to do some math question . 
To let you know I am very bad in maths when Im young, but after one incident I decided to do whatever I can to prove all of them wrong .. ( this will be another post .. ) 
Many know that I got good results for Maths therefore im in engineering :) 
I used to have sucky math in kindergarten & lower-primary. 

So yeah, I just hate it so much .. 
When I am young, my birthday wishes are like so CUTE (lame).. 
One of it was to grow up faster ... 

But now getting older, I wish I stay young .. 
Young & innocence thats our life man .. 

I definitely envy those little kids, they're so adorable man.. 


A short update of what is going on .. 
Didnt appeal for change of class.. 
Lecturers are damn cui .. 
Basically not learning anything in class, except about those daily lives of lecturers .. 
They just like to side track, i dunnoe why. 
They just cant make me want to go to school.
(Think I will spend alot money on buying MC this sem. )
Moreover, I dun have good friends in class -.- 
Cui + Cui = MORE CUI. 
Im seriously counting down to the end of semester.. 
90more days .. 42 days more to holiday :D

& what's worse.. 
It have been 2 week of school, I have been late every morning= 7 late(s).
I was absent last thur ( truancy ). 
I hope I can survived through this whole sem without getting debarment. 
Keep me in your prayers, darlings. 


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