Friday, December 14, 2012


In the previous post, I said I disappoint a mentor.
 However, he's still as nice as ever.
 And surprising I scored an A, unexpectedly as I presented real lousy.
 Maybe becos they saw us worked hard, worked late. Maybe my mentor helped behind our backs.
Whatever it is, I'm thankful, thankful to whoever or whatever that make things turn out pretty well:D

I wonder how would life be if I didn't meet nice mentor and lecturers.


 Recently, I wrote myself a letter. Hmms, or should I say a letter thats gonna be read in ten years time, to the 10years later Mandy! I know I sound insane and ridiculous! ( currently experiencing a dejavu, omggg) haha, anyway I'm someone so unexpected. (Saying this shyly)

So look out for more crazy acts of mine. I actually thought its romantic and sweet. I would remember the very moment I wrote that letter when I find it 10years later. The details of the letter will not be reveal! Haha, those are supposed to be inside will be inside, those that are suppose to be left out is out too. It's so much of a memory, so much of teenage-feel, youth~ 10years later, I will be a grown up, hopefully living happily. It might sound stupid. But it's worth it to do such stupid act once in awhile.

So! Get a paper& a pen now! Write a letter to the future you! I wanted it to be hand written, imagine a few years later when you find this letter how would you feel. You won't be able to hide your silly smile while reading! Let loose! Act childish for a moment~ remember to tell yourself to keep living happily in your letter!:)


Dearest Mandy.

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