Saturday, August 18, 2012

Final semester in Poly

The last time I wrote was almost half a year ago... 
I am currently stepping into my last semester of Poly.
Gosh, come to think of it...

I met one nasty lecturer, one real nasty one.
Why must I meet him at the last year, and he's kind of high in position! 
Not gonna give names here, those close or were there definitely know how nasty he is.
He's sooooooo fake...

Let's not talk about him. 
Fifty shades of Grey is trending now.
Read those 3 vols within a week, you would say that I am kind of frreeee.
but you got to know, I am very impatient and most likely won't be able to settle down if I don't finish them at a go! 

They are pretty good book to me. I thought it was alright for writer/readers to fantasise a little bit. I definitely love the romance in it, althought it's kind of creepy to have someone stalking you, 'Every breathe you take' , soooo sweet if I'm crazily in love, but scary and annoying if I ain't so much of the crazy in love~

Anyway, it's a choice of yours after all, a good book or not, worth it or not, very personal.
I somehow like it... 

" I know what I want. You're just not what I want , so stop telling me I don't even know what I want !"

I don't know what I want to say, because...

But... friends around me ! Stop getting married one by one! 
Making me want to get married also ): 
Looking for a husband nowwww ~ 
  • Make sure you look charming in big black frame. Behind it, will be your pair of pretty eyes
  • Theeeee type that I like ^^ (I am kind of hard to please)

I was so crazy over this guy(ok, not so crazy, it's just.. he's so myyyy type), I know him and he knows me, he didn't charm so much when I know him for almost 15weeks, but the last day when I met him, he was so charming with his big black frame, sky blue suit-top, fade-off jeans. Gosh, he is mad hot that second when he walked through that glass door, he was grinning when I just stared at him with a smile. He totally surprised me. But he got to leave Singapore anddddddd he isn't someone I can be crazy over. 

when he called me, over some unimportant stuffs, I was so shocked by his call and I don't even know how to reacttttt~ I hang up fast after he got what he needs. Missed the chance ah.
 (kidding, it would be crazy if he reads this!)

Hahah ha. 
omg, I think I'm really insane!
how could I said that here!
I must be insane, real insane...
I should stop having friends that are in mid 20s!
This would solve the problem!  
Just last month, I have 3 wedding ceremony invites , I also want to get married. 

Okayyyy, enough of the dreaming. 
I got to rush back into my reality ):
Need to work hard for my final semester, project, exams and allllllll~
I am not sure when is my next post, not sure it will be my birthday posts. 
Or, not.

Haha, loveeeeeeee.
Mandy lim.

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