Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Overly attached

I think I'm so overly attached to anything or anyone,  no, everything and everyone.
Hahah. I'm sooooooo attached to my closest friends.
I'm the one who is always demanding for a meet-up.
Im the one who is always trying to get their attention on whatsapp.
I'm the one who is always trying to get them to miss me.
I'm the one who is always trying to annoy them.
I'm the one who is trying to make them feel guilty for neglecting me.
Hahahha. Yeah, I'm so sticky, like a super glue.

I dont know, maybe it's because I love them too much.
So much that it's seems to be never ending.

I thought that they might  feel that they can't live without me,  But I think I am the one that might not live well without them. This is getting a little too cheesy. But you know, if you don't say it, they might not know it. And of cos, you have to bring in the action. Hahha.

Anyway, being twenty is like I'm a grown up. OK, I am.
You got to set your goal, work towards your career, look into the future, save for the assets,  strives for the better, best I mean. And it's hard to maintain strong bond and friendship.

I really really loves my closest friends, they are like shoes. It's not a must, But it's a want and need. It may be torn But it's seasoned to fit your feet. it may be dirty, But you know they have walked miles with you. They might not be the latest design or trend, But they are comfortable.  There are many other shoes out there But it's hard to find one that fits perfectly and you're happy with it. however, there are shoes that are torn, you could do your best to mend them, if they are still broken, we would have to discard them. No matter how fitting they are, how happy you're with it, the torn shoes will make you feel the discomfort when wearing them, they might even hurt your feet or bring you some wound.

At the age now, I have to create more memories with friends, Becos chances of creating them are getting lower.

As for now and the coming 3-4 years, I'm working hard for my certs.  Then after that, I will be trying to strive hard for my career, maybe it will takes another 3-4 years. And by the time I will be in my late twenty. so the next huge thing will be marriage, and live happily ever after. Snap, back to reality, so family planning and all will comes in. stepping into marriage life, you will still keep in contact with your close friends whether they are married or single&mingling.
But if you have a child, that's different, the priority of life is different. You will be hanging up with the mummies.  And your friends might not be able to related to your being-a-mum  mindset. and if we all stop putting in effort to be part of each other lives, Then the growth of friendship will stop there. And of cos by the time, all your energy and worries will be your family and children.  :/

It really takes effort, time, love and sincerity to keep a friendship going.

Actually, what I have just share is what I whined in my whatsapp conversation with my besties. Haha. I just thought it might be great to share with you ! You should start thinking about the friendship you have. The one you neglect or the one you cherish, or whoever. Send a lovely text to your friend. Send your loves out now!

I know awkwardness is one scary shit, Becos I have many moments of them.  I'm so thinned skin , really. And I am afraid of rejection, OK, who don't.
But I'm a massive thinker, and take thing super personally. Hahha. But you know, sometimes you need to make the correct move,.so you won't regret in future.

Just imagine, 10years down the road, Do you want to say ' Oh crap, we should have done that !' Or ' Ha, we did that way earlier than them ' or ' Do you remember what we did.'

Haha,But!  Never do anything that against your conscience or anything that's illegal or harmful to yourself/others.  Never do anything that will ruin your life or others.

Being able to love myself, and other. I'm so blessed.


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