Friday, August 16, 2013

Its another first !

I just ended my official first week of Uni.  

I had a good start up because I got my bestie with me on the first day, and she is no longer a fresh freshies, she had school started a month ahead of me. So it's pretty safe. 

Was alone during lecture, noone is trying to make friend, and I'm sooooo shy to do it. But whatever, I'm enjoying being alone. The lecturer is real boring... I couldn't stay focus! So I just keep fidgeting in my seat. Haha. Luckily I was sitting at the last rowwwwww. 

Second day/lecture was pretty interesting. The lecturer is so funny! He's really good at grabbing our attention. But he is one of this bochap (can't be bothered) lecturer outside the class. Hope he remains nice. 

Third lecture day, so I manage to squeeze 2 of my 3-hours  lectures in a day. It was really fine, Im kind of looking forward for the next lecture. 

I think I will do just fine.  It was not so bad for this new first. 

I'm only graduating in 2016 as it's a 3 years course. All my peers who opt for other uni are graduating in 2014 else early 2015! ): I hope it's worthwhile. For this, I can't only give you the answer after my course. Haha. 

Geeky M.  

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